Meet Artist in Residence Sachiko “La Chayí” Nishiuchi
Dear Friends and Aficionados,
Sachiko “La Chayí” will be here in Denver for a series of flamenco dance workshops August 04 - 06. 15% discount for early registration continues through July 28. Please join me in welcoming La Chayí to our flamenco community. She has worked with many well-known flamencos recognized by the Denver flamenco community like cantaor José Fernández Cortés, guitarist José “Chuscales” Valle, Antonio Andrade, and more. Workshop classes will be held at the Denver Dance Center.
Register Early
Secure your spot today by registering early and get 15% discount off the workshop price. Look for Promo Code DISCOUNT15LACHAYI at checkout.
3 Days
All levels
Feedback From
Sachiko. Get personalized attention. Book a private class.
Cantaor: José Fernández Cortés, Guitarrista: Andrés Vadin, and Palmero: Luis de la Tota
Workshop Schedule and Prices.
with Xianxi Barrera of XIANIX BARRERA FLAMENCO, New York.
6:00 PM Level 1 (60-Minutes)
7:00 PM Level 2 (90-Minutes)
6:00 PM Level 1 (60-Minutes)
7:00 PM Level 2 (90-Minutes)
Look for promo code DISCOUNT15LACHAYI applied at checkout. Pricing includes PayPal service fee. All tuition payments are non-refundable and non-transferable.
11:00 AM Level 1 (60-Minutes)
12:00 PM Level 2 (90-Minutes)
15% OFF with
Early Registration.
Offer good through July 28, 2022. Look for promo code DISCOUNT15LACHAYI applied at checkout. Pricing includes PayPal service fee. All tuition payments are non-refundable and non-transferable.
Look for promo code DISCOUNT15LACHAYI applied at checkout. Pricing includes PayPal service fee. All tuition payments are non-refundable and non-transferable.
FARRUCA with José Fernández Cortés, Cante and Ángel Ruiz, Toque
A native of Osaka, Japan, Sachiko “La Chayí” Nishiuchi is a Twin Cities-based Flamenco dancer, teacher, choreographer and organizer.
Besides her work as an independent artist, she dedicates her time for community work in Flamenco including directing Twin Cities Flamenco Collective. Sachiko attained her artistic name “La Chayí” from one of her great teachers, Pilar Montoya Manzano “La Faraona”, to honor and remember her.
She lived and studied the art of Flamenco in Seville, Spain from 2010 to 2015 which became the foundation of her current dance and work. Besides her daily life surrounded by the culture of Flamenco in Seville, she owes her current artistic direction and foundation to the following incomparable artists and teachers; Farruquito, Javier Heredia, Juan del Gastor, Luis Peña, Miguel Funi, and Pilar Montoya Manzano “La Faraona”.